Hannah Locke
Hannah Locke is a graduate student in the Biohazardous Threat Agents and Emerging Infectious Diseases Program at Georgetown. She is currently working full-time as a SAS programmer for Advanced Clinical and attends classes in the evening. As a Elizabeth R. Griffin Fellow in the Center for Global Health
Science & Security, she is interested in studying the relationship between global climate change, natural disasters, and infectious disease incidence.
She was inducted into the Beta Beta Beta Biological Honors Society at Ursinus College, where she graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Biology and minors in biostatistics and anthropology in 2013. As an undergraduate, she worked as a student researcher studying the effects of deletion of the Wntless gene in macrophages of skeletal muscle repair in mice.
Her areas of interest include the intersection between environmental changes and infectious diseases, biotechnology dual-use concerns, and disaster response.