Our Labs and Work

Center Initiatives

The Center has launched three key initiatives that demonstrate the scope and impact of the work underway across the Labs. These initiatives include one focused on training the next generation of health diplomacy experts, one on the narrative of global health response, and one providing a suite of tools and datasets that serve as the evidence base for the field.

Health Diplomacy Training Institute

How to End a Pandemic

International Disease and Events Analysis (IDEA)

Center Labs

The Center for Global Health Science and Security is comprised of three distinct labs. Together they represent the hallmark, interdisciplinary approach that is the core strength of the Center.

Health Governance and Diplomacy Lab

Lead by Dr. Rebecca Katz, Ph.D., M.P.H.

One Health Lab

Lead by Dr. Claire Standley, Ph.D., M.Sc.

Social-ID Lab

Lead by Dr. Sharon Abramowitz, Ph.D.