Armel Fosso Setubi, M.P.H., M.Sc.

Senior Research Scientist

Mr. Armel Setubi is currently a Ph.D. candidate in Infectious Disease in the Global Infectious Disease Program at Georgetown University. Mr. Setubi has been involved in teaching, humanitarian work, and research across Africa, Asia, and the United States. His recent research work and involvement occurred at the National Cancer Center in Tokyo-Japan, at the Department of Public Health in St. Louis-Missouri, and in the Singer Lab at Georgetown University.

Mr. Setubi’s areas of interest revolve around the intricate study of host-pathogen dynamics and immune responses. He places particular emphasis on leveraging epidemiological, clinical, and biological data to evaluate disease virulence, drug resistance, treatment adherence, and health outcomes. Additionally, his research explores the relationship between HIV, non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and sociodemographic factors. He employs treatment monitoring technologies to enhance ART adherence, reduce virologic failure, and mitigate HIV viral mutations.

Prior to starting his Ph.D. program, Mr. Setubi completed a Baccalaureate in Natural Sciences and Mathematics in Cameroon, a Bachelor of Philosophy in Bioethics from the Gregorian University, Itatly, an MPH-Epidemiology from St. Louis University, Missouri, and a Master of Biomedicine (Biochemistry and Molecular & Cellular Biology) at the Georgetown University Medical Center.