Policy Document Library

Documents describing the mandates of organizations’ involvement in DBE response activities

Non-governmental Organizations

International Conferences of the Red Cross Commentary on the First Geneva Convention

MSF Charter 

Resolutions of the International Conferences of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies 

Non-UN International Organizations

Chemical Weapons Convention (Articles IX-X)

INTERPOL Constitution 

IASC Framework on Durable Solutions for Internally Displaced Persons

International Organization for Migration (IOM) Constitution 

OIE Organic Statutes 

World Bank Pandemic Emergency Financing Facility (PEF) Framework 

United Nations

Biological Weapons Convention 

Biological Weapons Convention Conference VI 

Convention to Establish a Customs Co-operation Council (CCC)

Cooperative Arrangement for the Prevention of Spread of Communicable Disease through Air Travel (CAPSCA) 

FAO Constitution 

IASC Framework on Infectious Diseases

International Health Regulations (IHR) (2005)

Milan Plan of Action (1985)

UN Charter, Chapter VII

UN & OIE Memorandum of Understanding (2012)

UN & WHO Memorandum of Understanding (2011)

UN Economic and Social Council Resolution 1989/56 (1989)

UN General Assembly Resolution 204(III) (1948)

UN General Assembly Resolution 428(V) (1949)

UN General Assembly Resolution 802 (VIII) (1953)

UN General Assembly Resolution 1714(XVI) (1961)

UN General Assembly Resolution 40/32 (1985)

UN General Assembly Resolution 42/37C (1987)

UN General Assembly Resolution 44/72 (1989)

UN General Assembly Resolution 46/182 (1991)

UN General Assembly Resolution 55/283 (2001)

UN General Assembly Resolution 56/195 (2002)

UN General Assembly Resolution 57/150 (2003)

UN General Assembly Resolution 58/153 (2004)

UN General Assembly Resolution 59/276 (2005)

UN General Assembly Resolution 60/124 (2006) 

UN General Assembly Resolution 61/198 (2007)

UN General Assembly Resolutions Establishing UNICEF

UNICEF Core Commitments for Children in Humanitarian Action

UNIDIR Statute (39th session of the UNGA)

UN Security Council Resolution 620 (1988)

UN Security Council Resolution 1540 (2004)

UN Security Council Resolution 1673 (2006)

UN Security Council Resolution 1810 (2008)

UN Security Council Resolution 1977 (2011) 

World Health Assembly Resolution 34.26 (1981)

World Health Assembly Resolution 46.6 (1993)

World Health Assembly Resolution 48.2 (1995)

World Health Assembly Resolution 55.16 (2002)

World Health Assembly Resolution 58.1 (2005)

World Health Assembly Resolution 59.22 (2006)

World Health Assembly Resolution 64.10 (2011)

World Health Assembly Resolution 65.20 (2015)

WHO Constitution 

WHO Emergency Response Framework

This resource is a living document and we are continuously working to update it. If you have suggestions, edits, or additional links, please email Matt Boyce with your suggested revisions.