About Us
The Center for Global Health Science and Security at Georgetown University, directed by Dr. Rebecca Katz, was formally established in September 2016. The Center’s multi-disciplinary team develops evidence for action, providing decision makers with the tools they need for sustainable capacity building to prevent, detect and respond to public health emergencies. The team incorporates expertise in epidemiology, microbiology, virology, animal and human health systems, demography, economics, finance, statistics, and law.
Today, our team is moving the field forward by applying our unique policy-as-data scholarship to pandemic preparedness and response, global health security, climate/health interface, and health system strengthening.
We work to mitigate the threats posed by outbreaks and other public health emergencies by enriching the evidence base for informed decision-making and promoting sustainable capacities to prevent, detect and respond and recover. We develop evidence for action by mapping and strengthening public health systems, offering policy analysis and advice, and developing global health tools and curricula. We explore the growing demands on the world’s public health infrastructure, from policies intended to contain transnational disease threats to the economic benefits of promoting health in the world’s least resourced communities, and the changing roles for health in domestic and international security and diplomacy.

By the Numbers (since 2017)
- 50+ courses taught
- 200+ peer reviewed publications
- 6 books
- 20 book chapters
- 325+ presentations
- 95+ external funding awards